Resources that
might Help
Available resources grow daily as more and more women become aware of the impact of perimenopause on their lives and want to make a change.
Below are links to some useful videos and articles that might help demystify the complicated world of Perimenopause. Check them out, or join our Facebook page and share your own stories.
Menopause symptoms
Apparently, there may be over 50 different symptoms associated with Perimenopause.
If you're experiencing any of the below symptoms you might want to get these checked with your doctor. Very often, these symptoms are related to a drop in your estrogen levels - something you may have never considered.
Heart palpitations
Trouble sleeping- insomnia
Lack of focus
Tingling in your extremities
Changes in sleep patterns
Dizzy spells
Panic disorder
- Incontinence
Itchy, crawly skin
Achy joints & muscles
Poor concentration
Digestive issues
Hair loss
Vaginal dryness
Burning mouth
Memory lapses
Low libido - sex drive
​Weight gain
Bleeding gums
Dry eyes
Breast tenderness
Irregular or very heavy periods
Urinary urgency
Mood swings
Digestive changes
Electric shock sensations
Irregular heartbeat
Body odour